Nicolas Sabogal

cll 6d 79A-56 · Bogotá Colombia· (+57) 301-671-3769 ·

I am a proactive person, I adapt to any situation; I have a self-taught approach, everything can be learned.


Act in space

ActInSpace is an international innovation contest initiated by the French Space Agency (CNES) uniting over 60 cities across 5 continents. ActInSpace is supported by ESA and the ESA Business Incubation Centres network. The CNES and ESA have mandated ESA BIC Sud France, led by Aerospace Valley, for the operational execution of the 3rd edition of ActInSpace.

May 2018


The Hackatravel is the first event / experience designed in Colombia for the travel industry, whose objective is to create, design and develop innovative ideas that facilitate the traveler's experience.

September 2017


University Jorge Tadeo Lozano

Natural sciences and engineering
Systems engineer

GPA: 3.7

January 2016 - Present

Educational institution Manuel Humberto Cardenas Velez

Audiovisual design and production

GPA: 3.5

January 2014 - December 2015


Programming Languages
  • c++
  • Desktop developer
  • Web developer
  • Agile Development & Scrum


Apart from being a student, I practice sports, depending on the weather I practice some specific, soccer, basketball or just jogging.

The literature draws my attention, especially the novels a very interesting genre of which I highlight the police and detective issues.


  • 1st Place - University Jorge Tadeo Lozano - Hackathon 2017
  • 1st Place - University Jorge Tadeo Lozano - Engineering fair 2016